Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ernie Ozolins

Kim Bolan recently wrote an interesting article comparing the execution of Juel Stanton with the murder of Ernie Ozolins shortly after Ozolins left the Hells Angels.

Ernie Ozolins had been the president of the Haney chapter at one time. That's the same chapter that had beef with the old Red Scorpions that were killed in the Surrey Six murder and shortly thereafter.

Interesting to note that Ernie Ozolins left the Hells Angels shortly after the Pickton murders started.

If the Hells Angels can hire someone to commit murder for the club, how can the club not be charged with murder and how can that club not be a criminal organization?

Another point Kim Bolan’s article indirectly makes is that if so many of these cases are unsolved, changing the legislation isn’t really going to change things much. If they aren’t caught, whether they get 1 year or 20 years isn’t relevant. What needs to change is public perception. We need to report information about these murders to the police so there can be more convictions.

The same argument was raised about the gang war in general. Some said these people aren’t getting caught so raising the prison sentence for drive by shootings isn’t going to change anything. The same conclusion is that public perception needs to change so that information about these murders is reported to the police so more convictions occur and less people commit murder without getting caught.

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