Thursday, February 3, 2011

Don Lyons back in Business

OK my mistake. Someone sent me this photo and I was under the impression that is was of Don Lyons. So who is the guy with Chad in the HA shirt?


Well, Don Lyons is back in black. I mean red and white. Donnie plead guilty to trafficking cocaine. Court documents claim Lyons belonged to the Independent Soldiers and was Lester Jones' primary source for drugs. Lester was the vice president of the Kelowna Hells angels at the time.

Robertson purchased several kilograms of cocaine through Jones before arranging a drug buy with Lyons in a Kelowna hotel room. Police video cameras captured Lyons exchanging 1 kg of cocaine for $26,000. Another key bites the dust. Plenty more where that came from ain't there Skelletor.

I'm having trouble with the math. Lyons got a 8 and 1/2 year sentence. The judge gave him double credit of 30 months for time served, reducing his remaining sentence to six years. That was in April 2009. Two thirds of six years would be four not two. So how come he's out now?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Boycott the Black Door

Here's one you won't read in the paper because it wasn't reported to the police. A couple weeks ago three men claiming to represent the Hells Angels stormed in to the American Backpackers Hostel on Pender street in Vancouver. They had guns drawn and demanded to know where one of the residents were. He's not here they replied. We know he lives here they insisted. He has been selling pot and he hasn't been selling it for us. Tell him he has to leave town and tell everyone else they can't buy from anyone else any more unless they buy from us at the Black Door.

They made a huge production about it waiting outside for several hours waiting for him to return. The poor kid and many others from the hostel left town. This is another example of greed. I have no problem with the Hells Angels selling pot. I have a problem with them selling crack. I have a problem saying no one else is allowed to sell pot but them and if you want to buy any, you have to buy it from them. I have a problem with that.

The Black Door is across the street from the Amsterdam cafe and Mark Emory's 420 HQ. The black door is right beside a seed shop across the street. Witnesses were told this is where the Hells Angels sell pot. Seemingly everyone in the area knows this and they all know it is controlled by the Hells Angels.

So my theory resurfaces. If the Hells Angels used violence in East Vancouver to chase away a rival drug dealer and if the Hells Angels run and control the drugs sold out of the Black Door on Hastings street, one would think they too are the ones controlling the drugs being sold just a few blocks up the street at the Carnegie Centre.

If that's true then they are the ones who are ultimately responsible for the violence against women in East van over drug debts. This is supposed to be a free country. If I want to sell some pot it's no one else's business. When the Hells Angels come in and say you can't sell pot unless you sell it for us I say bullshit. That Nazi shit just doesn't fly. The gang violence we have been witnessing isn't about loyalty, it's about greed.

Oh and get this, they won't even sell pot in the Amsterdam cafe. You have to go across the street and buy it from the Hells Angels. That means Mark Emory and the entire 420 movement are getting fucked in the ass by the Hells Angels and they are all too scared to say shit.

Talk about rats. Witnesses claim the Hells Angels sent someone to to stay at the American Backpackers Hostel undercover to buy pot and give them the name of the person selling. So here we have a guy pretending to be someone's friend, buys some weed for the sole purpose of getting his name and giving it to the Hells Angels who storm the place with guns looking for him. That is being a rat. Reporting the Hells Angels violence to the po po is not.

So here's the deal. Fuck 'em. Boycott the Black Door. Don't buy shit from the Hells Angels any more. Buying their shit is supporting their violence. The Hells Angels are getting rich in East Van by oppressing the poor and disadvantaged as well as anyone else who just wants to smoke a blunt. Fuck 'em. Boycott the Black Door. Go buy from the Wizard on Granville instead. Mind you I'm having a hard time believing he's independent. Time will tell. It always does.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

GTS Home Invasion

Here's another weird one. Two masked men do a home invasion in Prince George. One escapes the other is caught at the scene. They caught Jeffrey Austin Theriault who is a member of the Game Tight soldiers who we now know are affiliated with the Renegades and the Hells Angels.

Get this the guy they were looking for was a tattoo artist and did a piece on Theriault's back. So what the hell? The kid didn't like his tattoo?

Then they came back and stole all his tattoo equipment. Strange after they burned down that other tattoo shop in Prince George. What controlling all the pot, meth, crack and strippers isn't good enough? Now they want to control all the tattoo shops as well? Greedy bastards.

Or was this tattooist that had the home invasion the same tattooist whose tattoo shop they already burned down - Joey Arrance? They sure like to betray their own. Deranged greed like an uncontrolled fire consumes itself.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Drug overdose in Prison

Well this is rather bizarre. Some interesting information was revealed when reporting on a recent drug overdose by an inmate in a Maple Ridge prison. We know there are drugs in prison because Peter Adiwal was caught selling cocaine in prison and he didn't get a day added on to his sentence.

England has a real problem with drugs in prison too. They are trying to address the problem by confronting the large number of corrupt prison guards. Our problem is worse than that. It revolves around corrupt if not stupid politicians.

Robbie Slatten, the inmate who died of the methadone overdose, was not registered on the methadone maintenance program. The review suggests the nurse was tricked because Slatten accessed the photo I.D. of his cellmate, who was on the methadone program. A medical alert stating Slatten should never be housed with methadone inmates was not observed by staff.

Methadone maintenance program? What the hell is that? Our prisons are overcrowded because of a lack of funding. We're in a world wide recession where whole countries are going bankrupt. We are closing hospitals and schools to make up the shortfall. At the same time we are spending taxpayers money on drugs for inmates in prison. Can you believe that? That is the most insane thing I have ever heard.

Other countries have a problem with corrupt prison guards letting inmates smuggle drugs into prison. We top that. Our government is bringing the drugs in for them and we the taxpayers are footing the bill while we close hospitals and schools. That is called shooting yourself in the foot and is a prime example of how screwed up our government really is. Where is the public accountability and the financial reporting of this taxpayer paid program?

Turns out the guy who OD'd in prison used his cell mate's ID to get methadone from the government program while he was in prison. That methadone killed him. That is seriously messed up.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Drug related violence and torture in East Van

The police claim the leaders of two independent criminal groups they say used extreme violence and torture to terrorize the Downtown Eastside have been arrested following two separate investigations spanning several months. The headline in the province reads "Cops say vulnerable women in Downtown Eastside safer after two gang leaders arrested."

I have two points. First I'm skeptical. 900 grams of cocaine, 144 grams of heroin, $75,000 worth of cash, 41 grams of pot, one kilogram of ketamine and a handgun. That's hardly a dent.

Compare that with the 600 liters of GHB or the 8 kilograms of cocaine that was seized involving David Giles who walked and the 52 kilograms of cocaine seized from Glen Hehn's storage locker who also walked. Not to mention the boat load of 2 1/2 tons of cocaine that belonged to the Hells Angels with no arrests made. One hand gun? Joseph Bruce Skreptak had more than that in his car. The police found a machine gun dumped in the Fraser River.

Why on earth are the police claiming such a small bust is so large and why on earth are they claiming the gangs are independent? There are no independent gangs in the Vancouver gang war. They said Eric Sandberg was an independent drug dealer too and we know that was absolutely false.

Who on earth is Insp. Mike Porteous? Surely he's not related to Hal Porteous. Don't get me wrong. The Sisters Watch phone line is a good thing: 604-215-4777

I am just very concerned about censoring the real issue and naming the real names. We all know who are supplying the drug dealers at the Carnegie Centre. Let's not sugar coat it by helping with their PR.

The other point I have is the police admission that these gangs are using extreme violence on the most vulnerable including torture. Just like the same group is torturing crack addicts for drug debts in Prince George.

The public rally claimed that Ashley Machiskinic's death was not a suicide. Activists claimed she was pushed out of a hotel window for a drug debt and that she wasn't the only one. It's all reminiscent of the Surrey House of Horrors.

When the public rallies to complain about the drug related violence against women in the DTES and when the police start holding press conferences about drug related violence and torture in East Van, then we know that is the tip of the iceberg and just scratches the surface. It will take a continued vigilant effort to really address the problem. Please proceed.


I am thrilled the police got that much date rape drug off the street. That was a substantial amount and getting any amount off the street is a good thing. Yet the purpose of the public relations press conference was to seemingly address the public's concerns that were expressed in the Town Hall meeting at the Carnegie centre and the public demonstrations after Ashley Machiskinic's death.

The public want the police to address the drug related violence against women in the DTES. Women are being push out of windows for drug debts. Let's face it. Date rape drug is something a man will buy to slip into a woman's drink. Date rape drug is not something a women gets addicted to then gets pushed out of a window for that drug debt.

Getting any amount of date rape drug off the street is a good thing. However, it does not address the problem it claims to be addressing. That is why the public trusts Jim Chu and why they don't trust the others. Perhaps the old boys club is trying to push Jim Chu to the side because they are afraid of the public backing he has.

We were told Jim Chu promised more town hall meetings. Perhaps the old boys club doesn't want any more town hall meetings because that would force them to address the real issue and stop the sale of drugs outside the very building the town hall meeting was held in.

Perhaps they don't want a civilian agency to monitor police complaints like Jim Chu suggested. Speaking of which, since the Abbotsford police have recommended charges being laid against the Kelowna police officer who was caught on video kicking a suspect in the face, has the Kelowna RCMP followed up on those charges yet or are they waiting for the public to forget about the incident? Kinda hard to do when more people keep coming forward.

First BC Criminal Organization Conviction

Well this is interesting. Two Kelowna residents found guilty of trafficking cocaine were convicted of doing so on behalf of a criminal organization. Finally. Only it was an "unnamed" criminal organization. Huh?

Wait a minute... Thomas Donald Fraser and Jason Jonathon Herrick — were involved in a cocaine-trafficking conspiracy linked to a unnamed criminal organization. How can they be convicted of trafficking cocaine for a criminal organization if the organization was not named? I'm a wee bit confused here.

After all this was the high profile case that police allege used the Kelowna Marina as its hub of operations for multi-kilogram cocaine transactions during peak tourist season.

In one of the intercepted phone calls between the two men, Fraser phones Herrick and orders him to “bring some s**t” to “the clubhouse.” With loud music in the background, Fraser tells him the address is 837 Ellis Street, the property known locally as the Hells Angels clubhouse.

So if Fraser and Herrick were convicted of trafficking cocaine on behalf of a criminal organization and they had cocaine delivered to the Hells Angels clubhouse, I wonder which unnamed criminal organization was behind it?

There was a body found under the dock there wasn't there? It wasn't just floating in the lake it was under the dock. No foul play is expected? That's strange.

Hey wait a minute. Richard Goldammer owns the clubhouse. He has a bayliner doesn't he? We know Russell Penner does. I wonder if they ever use that Marina?

Blair Tanino

During Const. Jeffrey Klassen's assault trial the judge questioned why a third officer involved was not charged. Good question. B.C. Provincial Court Judge Jodie Werier said that Tanino also "entered the fray" and got on top of Khan. "Tanino got involved," Werier said. "I'm troubled about that." Me too. The prosecution said "He probably could be prosecuted for assault, [But] frankly, he was probably more valuable as a witness." I see.

Shane Bunting's Lip Stick

Speaking of swingers who swing the other way, how about this photo of wee Shane Bunting sporting the latest shade of Battle Axe Warrior lip stick? Whatever dude. I know I'm behind the times and out of style. I have trouble with the Meryl Norman eyebrows not to mention lip stick. But hey, who am I to stand in the way of a new fad? Maybe lipstick is in along with the emo mascara.

Is that little freak trying to bring in lip injections for men? Pucker up Battle axe Barbie. No wonder those idiots wear silk scarfs to hide their lips stick and botox. Come to think of it, that Battle Axe Barbie support shirts looks an awful lot like the Pinhead bowling crew's logo so it does.

Looks like the little Barbie boy was banned from the US because of his associations with the Hells Angels. That's interesting. I wonder if Sony Barger is banned from the US? Maybe it's just 'cause he was an oxy and Viagra junkie.

What do you mean Shane Bunting and the Swollen members played at Tbarz New Years? You have got to be kidding. That guy is a complete idiot. How on earth did he get out of Surrey alive with that lip stick on? That little guy is a freak.

Tbarz has sure gone down hill these days. Ever since Russel Peters gave his pal Randy Jones that flaming endorsement for Tbarz it's full of old married brown men hitting on young girls. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against making it a brown town. This is Surrey. We are multi cultural. I just think that dirty old drunken married men hitting on young girls from any race is pathetic. The girls who aren't paid to be there leave pretty quick when they see what it's become.

Think about it. What kind of a gangster registers his strip bar in his mother's name? The same one who gets a complete idiot like CJ Spoon to find girls for him. Lame.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chad Karylchuk‏

Chad Karylchuk‏ passed suddenly Saturday January 15, 2011. Adam Scorgie and Sanj Parmar were co-applicants to city council selling them some kool aid about Cheetahs.

So if everybody claims Chad sold drugs, surely everyone knows who his supplier was. It is very easy for someone starting oxy to od. Yet we are told he was familiar with the drug. Is there something more to the story that someone's not telling us? With friends like that...

The Red Herring Pickton inquiry

Well the Wally Oppal Red Herring Pickton inquiry continues. Wally insists that he's not in a conflict of interest heading the inquiry even though he has been tied to the BC judicial system for so many years and said it was just fine. Activists in the East Van town hall meeting disagree and say they don't support him heading the inquiry.

I realize everyone is upset with the police these days and wants to blame them for delaying their feet in the Pickton investigation which resulted in the murder of more women. Yes they likely dropped the ball on that issue. However, the real issue isn't finding another scape goat to blame the atrocities on. The real issue is finding Pickton's accomplices.

It was the Crown that suggested Pickton did not act alone. His lawyer complained in the appeal and said the whole time the Crown's case was that Robert Pickton acted alone and was the mastermind that eluded police for so long in keeping all the murders secret. Then all of a sudden, right before deliberations the judge told the jury they could convict Robert even if he didn't act alone but was an active participant in the murders.

Indeed that opened a whole can of worms that is not being addressed at all by the Wally Oppal Red Herring Inquiry. Which really comes as no surprise. No doubt Wally would have done a great job for the Liberals overseeing the BC Rail scandal.

Interesting to note that according to Deputy Chief Doug LePard every officer involved in a management role during the investigation of Vancouver’s missing women in the late 1990s while serial killer Robert Pickton picked up women in the Downtown Eastside has retired. He claims "Mistakes were made and there are police officers who will be haunted by them for the rest of their lives.” Oh brother, not another scape goat. When will it end?

The retired officers have stated that they will cooperate with the inquiry. Do ya think if they weren't going to cooperate they would actually say so? What if they were under some sort of gag order? Would they be able to break the gag order for the inquiry or do they mean they will cooperate with the inquiry as best they can without breaking the gag order? Please advise.

Was there movie making equipment found on the farm? Yes or No. What happened to that evidence?

Pickton case in the news.